Sonco Tube


Just in Time Delivery

Don’t take up all of your warehouse space, just use ours…

Advantages of Sonco’s Just In Time Delivery (JIT) system

By utilizing our warehouse space and trucking fleet companies have found our “JIT Delivery” system a more cost efficient method of holding stock.  Minimizing the amount of goods that our customers hold at any one time improves their cash flow and warehousing costs.

  • Our customers use our warehouse rather than theirs. With faster inventory turnover they don’t need as much warehouse or storage at their location.   Smaller warehouses are less costly!
  • Faster turnover of stock limits the time product is on customer floor.  Reducing in house damage, or wear and tear.  Reduces waste!
  • Our JIT system allows our customers to improve cash flow.  No need to lay out huge sums of money for truckloads of stock just sitting on the floor.  Utilize those funds more efficiently by allowing us to stock it with our JIT delivery.
  • Our experts will help you determine how much material that we should have on hand for your job requirements.
  • Having the material on hand can also help to cut down on production time.
  • We can deliver directly to your job site Just In Time!

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